Over 1.000.000 rides and counting!
Unlock a world of opportunities for your hotel and your valued guests by partnering with us. We specialize in enhancing your guests’ experience and elevating your hotel’s sustainability profile. Here’s why you should choose us as your partner:
- Branded Bikes, No Cost: Enjoy the immense benefits of offering custom-branded hotel bicycles to your guests, and the best part? It’s absolutely free. We’re committed to enhancing your guest services at no cost to your hotel.
- Convenient Online Rental and Repair System: We provide your hotel with a seamless online system for bike rental and repair. It simplifies the process for both your staff and guests, making it quick and hassle-free.
- Sustainability at the Core: Sustainability matters. Our branded bikes and systems are aligned with your hotel’s commitment to environmental responsibility. Showcase your dedication to eco-friendly practices.
- European Presence: We’re not just local; our services span across multiple European cities. As the market leader in the Netherlands, we bring our experience and expertise to every location.
- Full Maintenance Support: Leave the upkeep to us. We handle all maintenance requirements, ensuring that your bikes are always in excellent condition and ready for your guests to explore the city.
- Unforgettable Guest Experiences: At the heart of our partnership is the desire to provide your guests with unforgettable experiences. Our branded bikes enable them to explore the city in a unique way, creating cherished memories.
Partner with us today to elevate your hotel’s service offerings, reinforce your commitment to sustainability, and create exceptional guest experiences that will keep them coming back. Let’s ride towards a greener, more memorable future together!
MyHotelBike Berlin GmbH is part of the MyHotelBike Worldwide family. We love cycling, embrace diversity and challenge ourselves to develop a more harmonious world. We see cycling as the most intuitive and planet-friendly way to commute.
Contact us now or take a look at MyHotelBike.com for more info about the MyHotelBike family.